Sunday, June 21, 2009


KMF is the monopoly organization in collection and distribution of milk all over the Karnataka. In Darawad district it is collecting milk only from 57 out of 127 villages. It is not fulfilling the growing demand of milk and its products. So we are going to collect milk from villages those are still untapped by KMF, and after processing we distribute the milk to hotels and restaurants of Hubli in bulk.

Initially we start1000 Liters’ milk processing unit (MPU) in Kundagol taluk, which is 21km away from Hubli and in surrounding villages we set up the milk collection centers. Every day morning and evening through our vehicles we will collect the milk and store and process in Kundagol MPU and next day early morning we supply the milk to those hotels that have agreement with us. Initially we will take a building on rent to set up the office and MPU. We need one four wheeler vehicle, 1 milk collector, 1distributer, and one each office worker and promoter. To set this unit we need 8, 00,000 lakh rupees investment.

We collect milk in an average from Rs. 9 to 13 per litre. We are going to sell milk at Rs. 19 per litre. After deducting operational cost we are expecting Rs. 2000 per day. Within one year we will expand our Business to 3000 liters’ capacity unit.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Making Cheese at Home

Cheese is made from the milk of goats, sheep, buffalo, reindeer, camel, llama, and yak but is usually made from cow's milk. Cow's milk is about 88% water and the remainder is fat, protein, sugar, minerals and vitamins. In the process of cheese-making, most of the protein, fat and some minerals and vitamins are concentrated and separated as a solid. The remaining liquid, called 'whey', contains most of the sugar and water and some protein, minerals and vitamins. Whey is utilized in foods and feeds or disposed of as waste.There are two principal agents which bring about the concentration and separation of protein and fat to make cheese, namely, bacterial culture and coagulating enzyme.

Bacterial culture

Bacteria are often responsible for food spoilage but there are also many useful types. During the manufacture of cheese and other cultured dairy products lactic acid bacteria change the milk sugar to lactic acid. The acid acts as a preservative by inhibiting undesirable types of bacteria, helps remove water from the curd (formation of curd is described in the next section) and is important to the development of cheese texture. The lactic acid bacteria and other microorganisms which happen to be present in the cheese contribute enzymes which break down fats, proteins and sugar during aging to produce flavours characteristic of particular cheese varieties. Lactic acid bacteria are naturally present in milk, and cheese can be made by holding fresh milk in a warm environment. However, this process is slow and cheese quality tends to be inconsistent. It is recommended that the milk be pasteurized by heating at 60-62C (140-144F) for 30 min . This heat treatment will destroy most lactic acid bacteria in the milk and will also destroy pathogenic bacteria which may cause food illness. Note that over pasteurization will prevent proper coagulation. Most store bought milk is unsuitable for cheese making because it has received too much heat treatment.

After pasteurization the milk is cooled to 32-37C (89.6-98.6F) and lactic acid bacteria are added to the milk. The suspension of bacteria is called a 'culture' and the process of adding the culture to the milk is called 'inoculation'. The culture may be a frozen or freeze-dried concentrate of bacterial cells or it could be cultured milk (milk in which lactic acid bacteria have been allowed to grow). Different bacterial cultures are recommended for specific types of cheese but most types can be made using fresh, plain yoghurt or buttermilk as a culture. If yoghurt is used, the milk should be inoculated at 37C. Buttermilk contains gas forming bacteria and may cause the development of small eyes in some cheese. In addition to bacteria, some types of cheese such as 'blue' and 'camembert' are inoculated with mould to develop characteristic appearance and flavour.

Coagulating enzymes

Proteins can be thought of as long microscopic chains. Various food products such as jello, jams and cheese depend on the ability of protein chains to intertwine and form a mesh-like network. The formation of this network is called 'coagulation'. When proteins coagulate in water, they trap water in the network and change the liquid to a semisolid gel. In cheese-making gelation is caused by an enzyme, 'rennet'. When rennet is added to warm milk, the liquid milk is transformed into a soft gel. When the gel is firm enough, it is cut into small pieces, 0.5-1.0 cm square (1/4-3/8 inch) called 'curds'.


Certain types of cheese such as some types of Queso Blanco (Latin American countries) and Paneer (India) are made without bacterial cultures and without rennet. In these types, curd is formed by adding vinegar (or other acid juices) to hot milk. A procedure for heat-acid precipitated Queso Blanco is included in this booklet because it is one of the most simple varieties to make and has the advantage that all the milk proteins including proteins normally lost in the whey are included in the cheese. Some fresh cheese (i.e. cheese which are eaten immediately after manufacture) such as Cottage cheese and quark are made with little or no rennet. In these cheese, coagulation is caused by high acid development by the bacterial culture. A procedure for fresh cheese or European style Cottage cheese is included.

For the home cheese maker, a start up set of supplies should include: a pasteuriser, cheese mould, cheese press, dairy thermometer or any food grade thermometer for the range of 0 to 100C, and cheese cloth. Bacterial cultures and rennet can sometimes be purchased in natural food stores.

Small scale cheese making equipment and other supplies, including literature, can be obtained from New England Cheese Making Supply Company, 85 Main St., Ashfield, MA 01330 (413-628-3808; Fax: 413-628-4061).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Write up on Entrepreneurial Motivation Training module


Entrepreneurial motivation training was an exciting and interested module, which helped to bring out the fellow’s inner feelings and talents and set the goal for the next coming days. A goal is nothing but a set of standards which will be achieved in the future by adding different values through various actions. All the participants learned by this module how to set their future plans.

Entrepreneurial motivation training is very essential to social entrepreneurs because it sparks the mind and stimulates their inner energy. It gives them the platform to express their ideas and thoughts.

Description of the module

Module instructor Rita started with the treasurer hunting game. In this game the fellows should bring and present with innovatively which materials instructor want. It is helpful to improve the fellow’s imagination presentation skills.

Later fellows played goal setting (Ring) game. In this game all the fellows must set their distance level away from goal. Through this game many things were paying attention. In this the instructor can measure the participant’s risk-taking capacity, confidence and influence of environment on mind.

 The story writing and scoring activity is the one of the activities of goal setting. The instructor shows six pictures.   After seeing the picture the fellows have to write six stories about whatever about comes their mind. Finally fellows filled the entrepreneurial orientation scoring sheet. In this sheet there are 21 questions about internal locus of control and external locus of control.   

External characteristics of the person

·        More defendants

·        Less coordination

·        Blaming others

·        Passiveness

 Internal characteristics of the person

·        Achievement oriented person

·        Independent in making decision

·        Respect others 

·        Self blaming

Key points of the module

The module started with the practical activity of treasure hunting and its presentation. After that “who am I?” Then by seeing pictures story developing activity was conducted. The purpose of this activity is to assess the thinking process of the participants. Through these activities the instructor explained the process of achievement motivation and the criterion to score achievement imagery. An achievement situation involves the achievement goal with the standard of excellence. The achievement imagery should have the following 11 points.

·        A need(N) to achieve on the part of the person.

·        Anticipation of success or failure in attaining the.

·        Activity (Act) successful or not aimed at attaining the goal.

·        Difficulties or blocks (Bp and Bw) to the individuals progress to the goal. There may be personal or external problems.

·        Emotional reactions i.e. positive goal anticipation (Ga+) and negative goal anticipation Ga-).

·        Help (H) to the striving person from another person.

·        Achievement thema, which means the central plot of the whole story, should explain one core goal.

All these factors are called achievement syndrome and and very essential in a story to decide the thinking process of the individual.

All fellows performed a drama by including all the above factors in the story. It gave more clarity about all aspects of achievement syndrome. There was a discussion on “who am I?”  This session was really eye-opening for all the fellows.

Major learnings of the module

·        Every fellow has treasures in his or her personality.

·        Motivation is stimulation to achieve the goal, and  it is essential to every individual.

·        While setting the goal the individual should consider their abilities, past experiences, their environment.

·        Learn from the success or failure.

·        During team work we should not create dependency nor I should depend on others in each and every activity.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Report on Entrepreneurial Activity

I am always passionate about organic agriculture. That’s why I have marketed 'N.P.BIOCOMPLEX' organic manure as a entrepreneur activity in Devinagar and Kalyanagar. It is manufactured by Madras fertilizers private LTD. It has prepared by 75% vermi compost and remaining 25% azospirillum and phospobacteria and 16 bio composts.

 I started to sell from 8am to 11:30 pm. I visited door to door who are having garden and I tried to convince about my brand organic manure. within a short time I came to know it is very difficult business. Because people are not ready to listen my words. They have looked at me like a cheater. I visited 56 houses. But I convinced to only 4 house owners to purchase the manure. One person booked 1 quintal manure. He has farm near Hubli.

 The details are as follows 

manure bag units

 Rate   per bag (Rs)

%  of the profit

Actual rate per Bag (RS)

No of bags selling













50 kg (only Booking)















1. Other expenses ( Bus pair) : 06.00 Rs

2.  Total money returned: 302.00 Rs

3. Strategies used:   Door to door visited and

Convinced customers through smooth words

4. Challenges:

·         5 Kg 4bags didn’t sell, hence I returned to Hubli branch office

·         People aren’t ready to listen my words.

·         Bags are too heavy Wight.

5. Lessons learnt:

Bags are too heavy.  So I decided to do smart business.

How to convince the people

6. Next time if were to do the same marketing job what would you like to change:

I would like to go to Agriculture field and plants marketing places.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Write up on RTI


From 1st day class I came to know about meaning RTI how apply this act. Right to information act came into existence in 2005 from UPA government. It is great weapon for common people.  Its main abject is to control the corrupt. Under this act. The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Under the RTI act we may get records, documents, emails, advices, press releases, orders, logbook, contract agreements, data material in electronic form by any government public authorities.

From my RTI act, I can do infection the documents and I can take the notes and electronic material like CD, floppies by any govt office.

I also reminded about my basic rights. after the class I and devdanam visited the relive hospital of central relive department to get the information under RTI su-motu section. 

But they didn't response properly. Because they haven't know about su-motu section.

 we understood lot of things about RTI through the discussion with officer.

 In second day class I learnt how to apply the particular query to any public authority under RTI act 22 of 2005. We can get any information by paying 10 rupees only. Under the RTI

It includes the right to -

inspect works, documents, records.

take notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records.

take certified samples of material.

It includes  information in form of printouts, diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts.

Application procedure: If you have any quires of any government offices, you can file application through RTI. Asutosh and thippanna taught about application format of RTI in Kannada and English.

After the session Jagdish and I went to BEO office in Hubli. I filed application to PIO of block education office regarding disable children projects In the application I asked the questions that what projects are you implementing about disable children, last year how much fund released and how much money you spent. I enjoyed lot. This is new and memorable day for me.

 time limit to get the information:

30 days from the date of application

48 hours for information concerning the life and liberty of a person

5 days shall be added to the above response time, in case the application for information is given to Assistant Public Information Officer.

If the interests of a third party are involved then time limit will be 40 days (maximum period + time given to the party to make representation).

Failure to provide information within the specified period is a deemed refusal.