I am always passionate about organic agriculture. That’s why I have marketed 'N.P.BIOCOMPLEX' organic manure as a entrepreneur activity in Devinagar and Kalyanagar. It is manufactured by Madras fertilizers private LTD. It has prepared by 75% vermi compost and remaining 25% azospirillum and phospobacteria and 16 bio composts.
I started to sell from 8am to 11:30 pm. I visited door to door who are having garden and I tried to convince about my brand organic manure. within a short time I came to know it is very difficult business. Because people are not ready to listen my words. They have looked at me like a cheater. I visited 56 houses. But I convinced to only 4 house owners to purchase the manure. One person booked 1 quintal manure. He has farm near Hubli.
manure bag units | Rate per bag (Rs) | % of the profit | Actual rate per Bag (RS) | No of bags selling | Investment (Rs) | Pro fit |
5kg | 50 | 40% | 30 | 4 | 200 | 80 |
50 kg (only Booking) | 430 | 30% | 316 | 2 | 860 | 228 |
Total | - | - | - | 6 | 1020 | 308 |
1. Other expenses ( Bus pair) : 06.00 Rs
2. Total money returned: 302.00 Rs
3. Strategies used: Door to door visited and
Convinced customers through smooth words
4. Challenges:
· 5 Kg 4bags didn’t sell, hence I returned to Hubli branch office
· People aren’t ready to listen my words.
· Bags are too heavy Wight.
5. Lessons learnt:
Bags are too heavy. So I decided to do smart business.
How to convince the people
6. Next time if were to do the same marketing job what would you like to change:
I would like to go to Agriculture field and plants marketing places.